Let's say we want to populate a ComboBox with some titles. At design time, the source code looks like this:
List<String> names = new List<string>();
names.Add("WPF rocks");
names.Add("WCF rocks");
names.Add("XAML is fun");
names.Add("WPF rules");
names.Add("WCF rules");
names.Add("WinForms not");
FilteredComboBox1.IsEditable = true;
FilteredComboBox1.IsTextSearchEnabled = false;
FilteredComboBox1.ItemsSource = names;
At run time, the editable combo box will apply filtering if the text in the editable textbox passes a treshold (e.g. 3 characters):

The FilteredComboBox class looks like this, largely decorated with comments:
// <copyright file="FilteredComboBox.cs" company="DockOfTheBay">
// http://www.dotbay.be
// </copyright>
// <summary>Defines the FilteredComboBox class.</summary>
namespace DockOfTheBay
using System.Collections;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Data;
using System.Windows.Input;
/// <summary>
/// Editable combo box which uses the text in its editable textbox to perform a lookup
/// in its data source.
/// </summary>
public class FilteredComboBox : ComboBox
// Public Fields
/// <summary>
/// The search string treshold length.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// It's implemented as a Dependency Property, so you can set it in a XAML template
/// </remarks>
public static readonly DependencyProperty MinimumSearchLengthProperty =
new UIPropertyMetadata(3));
// Private Fields
/// <summary>
/// Caches the previous value of the filter.
/// </summary>
private string oldFilter = string.Empty;
/// <summary>
/// Holds the current value of the filter.
/// </summary>
private string currentFilter = string.Empty;
// Constructors
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the FilteredComboBox class.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// You could set 'IsTextSearchEnabled' to 'false' here,
/// to avoid non-intuitive behavior of the control
/// </remarks>
public FilteredComboBox()
// Properties
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the search string treshold length.
/// </summary>
/// <value>The minimum length of the search string that triggers filtering.</value>
[Description("Length of the search string that triggers filtering.")]
[Category("Filtered ComboBox")]
public int MinimumSearchLength
return (int)this.GetValue(MinimumSearchLengthProperty);
this.SetValue(MinimumSearchLengthProperty, value);
/// <summary>
/// Gets a reference to the internal editable textbox.
/// </summary>
/// <value>A reference to the internal editable textbox.</value>
/// <remarks>
/// We need this to get access to the Selection.
/// </remarks>
protected TextBox EditableTextBox
return this.GetTemplateChild("PART_EditableTextBox") as TextBox;
// Event Raiser Overrides
/// <summary>
/// Keep the filter if the ItemsSource is explicitly changed.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="oldValue">The previous value of the filter.</param>
/// <param name="newValue">The current value of the filter.</param>
protected override void OnItemsSourceChanged(IEnumerable oldValue, IEnumerable newValue)
if (newValue != null)
ICollectionView view = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(newValue);
view.Filter += this.FilterPredicate;
if (oldValue != null)
ICollectionView view = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(oldValue);
view.Filter -= this.FilterPredicate;
base.OnItemsSourceChanged(oldValue, newValue);
/// <summary>
/// Confirm or cancel the selection when Tab, Enter, or Escape are hit.
/// Open the DropDown when the Down Arrow is hit.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="e">Key Event Args.</param>
/// <remarks>
/// The 'KeyDown' event is not raised for Arrows, Tab and Enter keys.
/// It is swallowed by the DropDown if it's open.
/// So use the Preview instead.
/// </remarks>
protected override void OnPreviewKeyDown(KeyEventArgs e)
if (e.Key == Key.Tab || e.Key == Key.Enter)
// Explicit Selection -> Close ItemsPanel
this.IsDropDownOpen = false;
else if (e.Key == Key.Escape)
// Escape -> Close DropDown and redisplay Filter
this.IsDropDownOpen = false;
this.SelectedIndex = -1;
this.Text = this.currentFilter;
if (e.Key == Key.Down)
// Arrow Down -> Open DropDown
this.IsDropDownOpen = true;
// Cache text
this.oldFilter = this.Text;
/// <summary>
/// Modify and apply the filter.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="e">Key Event Args.</param>
/// <remarks>
/// Alternatively, you could react on 'OnTextChanged', but navigating through
/// the DropDown will also change the text.
/// </remarks>
protected override void OnKeyUp(KeyEventArgs e)
if (e.Key == Key.Up || e.Key == Key.Down)
// Navigation keys are ignored
else if (e.Key == Key.Tab || e.Key == Key.Enter)
// Explicit Select -> Clear Filter
// The text was changed
if (this.Text != this.oldFilter)
// Clear the filter if the text is empty,
// apply the filter if the text is long enough
if (this.Text.Length == 0 || this.Text.Length >= this.MinimumSearchLength)
this.IsDropDownOpen = true;
// Unselect
this.EditableTextBox.SelectionStart = int.MaxValue;
// Update Filter Value
this.currentFilter = this.Text;
/// <summary>
/// Make sure the text corresponds to the selection when leaving the control.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="e">A KeyBoardFocusChangedEventArgs.</param>
protected override void OnPreviewLostKeyboardFocus(KeyboardFocusChangedEventArgs e)
int temp = this.SelectedIndex;
this.SelectedIndex = -1;
this.Text = string.Empty;
this.SelectedIndex = temp;
// Helpers
/// <summary>
/// Re-apply the Filter.
/// </summary>
private void RefreshFilter()
if (this.ItemsSource != null)
ICollectionView view = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(this.ItemsSource);
/// <summary>
/// Clear the Filter.
/// </summary>
private void ClearFilter()
this.currentFilter = string.Empty;
/// <summary>
/// The Filter predicate that will be applied to each row in the ItemsSource.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value">A row in the ItemsSource.</param>
/// <returns>Whether or not the item will appear in the DropDown.</returns>
private bool FilterPredicate(object value)
// No filter, no text
if (value == null)
return false;
// No text, no filter
if (this.Text.Length == 0)
return true;
// Case insensitive search
return value.ToString().ToLower().Contains(this.Text.ToLower());
As far as I know, the control is not allergic to templating nor databinding, even with large (2000+ items) datasources. For large datasources it makes sense to display the DropDown via a virtualization panel, like in the following XAML:
<Window x:Class="FilteredComboBoxSample.Window1"
Title="Filtered ComboBox" Height="120" Width="300">
<!-- For large content, better go for a Virtualizing StackPanel -->
<ItemsPanelTemplate x:Key="ItemsTemplate">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal"
Margin="10 10">
<TextBlock Text="Select: "
Padding="4 3"/>
ItemsPanel="{DynamicResource ItemsTemplate}"
Padding="4 3"
Here's how the control looks like in a real life application, filtering a list of over 2000 possible tumor locations on a human body:

Check this...C# Autocomplete combobox
// Case insensitive search
ReplyDeletereturn value.GetType().GetProperty(this.DisplayMemberPath).GetValue(value).ToString().ToLower().Contains(this.Text.ToLower());
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteOn the line:
ReplyDeleteview.Filter += this.FilterPredicate;
I get an NotSupportedException, why could that be?
I use the Combobox insde the TemplateColumn of a DataGrid.