Sunday, February 20, 2011

Database Backup Script

This procedure will backup every database on the server including any new ones. It will also delete any old backups after a defined retention period. It differs from production versions in that it will automatically back up any new databases.
The procedure should be placed in an Admin database and scheduled - normally to run every day. The table DatabaseBackup should be created as defined near the top of the procedure. The call to be scheduled is in comments near the top of the procedure. It will backup every database on the server to the path defined except tempdb. The database entries will be placed in the DatabaseBackup table and may be configured from there. The table fields are:

Field NameDescription
DatabaseBackupNameName of database - added automatically if it doesn't exist
BackupFlagFull'Y' = Full backup of database, 'N' = No full backup
BackupFlagLog'Y' = Log backup of database, 'N' = No log backup
RetentionPeriodFullDatetime period for which to keep the full backup
RetentionPeriodLogDatetime period for which to keep the log backup
Note - if an exact number of days is set for retention period and the procedure is scheduled daily then the last retained file will depend on the exact time of processing the backup of that database. The files are created with the following format:

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